Vorwiegend qualitatives Wachstum : Situation am Weltmarkt
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Internationale Märkte in der Baisse
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Wirtschaftsumschau : Landmaschinenmärkte in unübersichtlicher Lage
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Cellulases : endo-1,4-ß-glucanase; 1,4 (1,3; 1,4)-8-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC and exo-1, 4ß-glucanase; 1,4ß-D-glucan cellobiohydrolase; EC
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A model as an instrument for determining the optimal layout of biogas plants with regard to technical and economical aspects
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Evaluation of body composition on live animals by X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance computed tomography
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The importance of German seafish markets in international trade
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Toxic organic compounds in town waste materials : their origin, concentration and turnover in waste composts, soils and plants
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Soil-chemical evaluation of different extractants for heavy metals in soils
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Spurennährstoffe : Minimumfaktoren im intensiven Ackerbau ; Häufig wird ein Mangel nicht bemerkt
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