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Verlag: Frankfurt a. M.; DLG-Verl.
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Es wurden 344 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 121 bis 130 von 344.
Milk composition in fresh cows : the influence of energy balance and week of lactation
Effects of Savoury, Nigella sativa L. and Cacao husks on growth and carcass composition of broiler chickens
Effects of chlorinated paraffins on performance of laying hens and on carry over
Effect of feeding ergot on piglets and chickens
Investigations concerning the effect of glyphosate residues in feed on rumen fermentation parameters and in sacco dry matter degradation
Influence of ensiling on the DNA-degradation in isogenic and transgenic corn
Investigations on water intake of fattening bulls
Fusarium toxin residues in the body of piglets fed increasing amounts of contaminated maize
Effects of feeding varying amounts of milk replacer and different weaning age on growth of female Holstein calves
Effects of dried leaves and essential oils from Origanum on growth of broiler chickens
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