Combined summary of European random-sample-egg-production-tests completed in 1990 : report of Working Group 3 (Poultry Breeding and Genetics) of the European Federation of WPSA Branches
Heil G, Hartmann W (1992) Combined summary of European random-sample-egg-production-tests completed in 1990 : report of Working Group 3 (Poultry Breeding and Genetics) of the European Federation of WPSA Branches. World's Poult Sci J 48:269-270
Evaluation of the potentials of new scientific developments for commercial poultry breeding
Hartmann W (1992) Evaluation of the potentials of new scientific developments for commercial poultry breeding. World's Poult Sci J 48(1):17-27
Implications of genotype-environment interactions in animal breeding: genotype-location interactions in poultry
Hartmann W (1990) Implications of genotype-environment interactions in animal breeding: genotype-location interactions in poultry. World's Poult Sci J 46(3):197-210
From Mendel to multi-national in poultry breeding
Hartmann W (1989) From Mendel to multi-national in poultry breeding. World's Poult Sci J 45(1):5-26,72,75,79,82
Gordon memorial lecture : from Mendel to multinational in poultry breeding
Hartmann W (1989) Gordon memorial lecture : from Mendel to multinational in poultry breeding. World's Poult Sci J 45:5-26
6. European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition
Vogt H (1988) 6. European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition. World's Poult Sci J 44:161-162
Nutrient requirements of poultry / recommendations in European countries : A report of Working Group 2 - Nutrition - of the European Federation of WSPA Branches
Vogt H (1988) Nutrient requirements of poultry / recommendations in European countries : A report of Working Group 2 - Nutrition - of the European Federation of WSPA Branches. World's Poult Sci J 44(3):234-259
Combined summary of European random-sample-egg-production-tests 1981-1984
Hartmann W (1986) Combined summary of European random-sample-egg-production-tests 1981-1984. World's Poult Sci J 42:276-284
Working Group Nr. 3 Poultry Breeding and Genetics : report of the chairman for the period 1980 - 1986
Hartmann W (1986) Working Group Nr. 3 Poultry Breeding and Genetics : report of the chairman for the period 1980 - 1986. World's Poult Sci J 42:290-292
Report of 17. Meeting of the Working Group No. 2 "Nutrition" of the European Federation of WPSA
Vogt H (1986) Report of 17. Meeting of the Working Group No. 2 Nutrition of the European Federation of WPSA. World's Poult Sci J 42:189-190