Peters JC, Niebuhr A (2023) Accumulating valuable work experience: the importance of large firms and big cities. Nuremberg: Institute for Employment Research, 74 p, IAB discuss paper 04/2023, DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2304
Dynamic agglomeration effects of foreigners and natives - the role of experience in high-quality sectors, tasks and establishments
Niebuhr A, Peters JC, Roth D (2022) Dynamic agglomeration effects of foreigners and natives - the role of experience in high-quality sectors, tasks and establishments [online]. Nuremberg: Institute for Employment Research, 53 p, IAB discuss paper 24|2022, zu finden in [zitiert am 15.11.2022], DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2224
Quantifying the effect of labor market size on learning externalities
Peters JC (2017) Quantifying the effect of labor market size on learning externalities [online]. Nuremberg: Institute for Employment Research, 43 p, IAB discuss paper, zu finden in [zitiert am 14.11.2017]