The covariance structure of growth traits in the South African Charolais beef population
Groeneveld E, Mostert BE, Rust T (1997) The covariance structure of growth traits in the South African Charolais beef population. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 58
Feeding hydrogenated soybean oils differing in trans fatty acid content to dairy cows : influence on milk fat content and milk fat composition
Wagner K, Möckel P, Lebzien P, Flachowsky G (1997) Feeding hydrogenated soybean oils differing in trans fatty acid content to dairy cows : influence on milk fat content and milk fat composition. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 233
Genetic variability in small flocks of endangered sheep
Terletski V, Falge R, Carnwath JW, Niemann H, Motlik J (1997) Genetic variability in small flocks of endangered sheep. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 27
Field studies on dietary Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplements in dairy feeding
Kampf D, Flachowsky G (1997) Field studies on dietary Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplements in dairy feeding. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 93
Einfluss von Phytasezusatz und P-Versorgung auf die P-Retention beim Schwein
Berk A, Schulz E (1997) Einfluss von Phytasezusatz und P-Versorgung auf die P-Retention beim Schwein. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 92
Special combining ability in BLUP genetic evaluation in dairy cattle
Brade W, Groeneveld E (1997) Special combining ability in BLUP genetic evaluation in dairy cattle. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 57
Comparison of wheat and corn for lactating cows
Daenicke R, Gädeken D, Lebzien P (1997) Comparison of wheat and corn for lactating cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 114
Einfluß des Kaseins in der Kolostralmilch auf die passive Immunisierung neugeborener Ferkel
Klobasa F, Kallweit E, Werhahn E, Habe F (1997) Einfluß des Kaseins in der Kolostralmilch auf die passive Immunisierung neugeborener Ferkel. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 3: 355
Influence of fat content in colostrum on passive immunoregulation in neonatal pigs
Klobasa F, Kallweit E, Habe F (1996) Influence of fat content in colostrum on passive immunoregulation in neonatal pigs. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 2: 265
Behaviour and blood parameters for welfare valuation of sows
Arkenau EF, Müller K, Klobasa F, Ernst E (1996) Behaviour and blood parameters for welfare valuation of sows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 2: