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Zeitschrift: Archives of animal nutrition
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Es wurden 72 Ergebnisse in 2 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 72.
Genetically modified feeds in animal nutrition : 1st communication, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn in poultry, pig and ruminant nutrition
Endogenous N-losses in piglets estimated by a [15N]-isotope dilution technique: effect of xylanase addition to a wheat and rye based diet
Research note : effect of duration of the collection period on the estimated digestibility in dairy cows
Research note : effect of Bacillus cereus on performances of growing bulls
Excretion kinetics and metabolism of zearalenone in broilers in dependence on a detoxifying agent
Effect of harvest date and variety on ruminal degradability of ensiled maize grains in dairy cows
Influence of high vitamin E dosages on retinol and carotinoid concentration in body tissues and eggs of laying hens
Endogenous N-losses in broilers estimated by A [15N]-isotope dilution technique : effect of dietary fat type and xylanase addition
Development of an in-vitro incubation technique for the estimation of the utilizable crude protein (uCP) in feeds for cattle
Vitamin E hypervitaminosis in laying hens
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