Phytodiversity dynamics in short rotation coppice (SRC)
Bielefeldt J, Wolf H, Kroiher F, Bolte A (2008) Phytodiversity dynamics in short rotation coppice (SRC). Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 38: 266
Climate change effects on the competitive ability of European beech at its northern range margins in southern Sweden
Bolte A, Grundmann BM, Hilbrig L, Kampf F, Bonn S, Roloff A (2008) Climate change effects on the competitive ability of European beech at its northern range margins in southern Sweden. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 38: 662
From air to soil : tropospheric ozone affects soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere of field-grown wheat
Schrader S, Bender J, Sticht C, Weigel H-J (2008) From air to soil : tropospheric ozone affects soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere of field-grown wheat. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 38: 217
CO2 enrichment effects on nematode feeding groups under cultivation of sugar beet and winter wheat
Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Weigel H-J (2008) CO2 enrichment effects on nematode feeding groups under cultivation of sugar beet and winter wheat. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 38: 215
European beech provenances (Fagus sylvatica L.) under climate change - response of transpiration, chlorophyll fluorescence and tree ring growth
Veste M, Schmitt U, Kriebitzsch W-U, Beck W (2007) European beech provenances (Fagus sylvatica L.) under climate change - response of transpiration, chlorophyll fluorescence and tree ring growth. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 37: 368
Beech is not merely beech - Adaptation potential of different European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances to climate change
Bolte A, Czajkowski T (2007) Beech is not merely beech - Adaptation potential of different European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances to climate change. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 37: 350
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on carbon turnover processes in an agro-ecosystem
Heiduk K, Pacholski AS, Martens R, Weigel H-J (2006) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on carbon turnover processes in an agro-ecosystem. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 36: 12
Long-term investigations of soil microbial eco-physiological quotients (Cmic-to-Corg ratio, qCO2) of forest stands in Lower Saxony
Anderson T-H (2006) Long-term investigations of soil microbial eco-physiological quotients (Cmic-to-Corg ratio, qCO2) of forest stands in Lower Saxony. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 36: 183
Bird indicator to maintain biological diversity in the agricultural landscapes
Hoffmann J, Lutze G, Kiesel J, Wuntke B, Greef JM, Wenkel K-O (2006) Bird indicator to maintain biological diversity in the agricultural landscapes. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 36: 403
C-input into soil within an agro-ecosystem under atmospheric CO2 enrichment
Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Bantelmann E, Weigel H-J (2005) C-input into soil within an agro-ecosystem under atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 35: 284