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Verlag: Rome: FAO
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Es wurden 28 Ergebnisse in 15 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 28.
Jordan small ruminants development project : annex 3, marketing
Promotion of viable rural financial systems for agricultural development
Tanzania agricultural sector mission : FAO/World Bank cooperative programme investment centre
Marketing costs and margins for fertilizers in developing countries : papers submitted to the 50th Annual Conference of ISMA 10-13 May 1982 Palma de Majorca, Spain
Analysis y pronostico des sistema agroindustrial carne Mexico
Organic materials and soil productivity
Soil organic matter and soil productivity
The scope for improving fertilizer marketing and credit systems in developing countries : preliminary conclusions of a comparative analysis of fertilizer marketing systems in selected countries (Fertilizer Industry Advisory Committee ad hoc working party on fertilizer marketing and credit)
Report of the UNDP/UNIDO/FAO/ESCAP preparatory mission on technical assistance for the development of agricultural machinery suitable for use and production in Asian countries
Priorities for international support to agricultural research in developing countries : Position paper Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
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