Salmonellae prevalence in intensive, free range and organic broiler production systems
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Isolation and characterization of microsatellites for the Peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos)
Maak S, Wimmers K, Weigend S, Neumann K (2002) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites for the Peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Arch Geflugelkd 66(SH 2):95-96
The insulin-like growth factors and related substances as regulators of chicken reproductive functions
Großmann R, Sirotkin AV (2002) The insulin-like growth factors and related substances as regulators of chicken reproductive functions. Arch Geflugelkd 66(SH 2):83-84
Genetic evaluation of egg production traits based on additive and dominance models in laying hens
Mielenz N, Kovac M, Groeneveld E, Schmutz M, Preisinger R, Schüler L (2002) Genetic evaluation of egg production traits based on additive and dominance models in laying hens. Arch Geflugelkd 66(SH 2):99
Neuroendocrine control of behavioural adaptation in poultry
Jurkevich A, Großmann R, Ellendorff F (2002) Neuroendocrine control of behavioural adaptation in poultry. Arch Geflugelkd 66(SH 2):44
Genetic diversity of chickens
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Sex diagnosis and primary sex ratio development
Klein S (2002) Sex diagnosis and primary sex ratio development. Arch Geflugelkd 66(SH 2):57
Die 3. Europäische Geflügelkonferenz in Jerusalem
Vogt H (1968) Die 3. Europäische Geflügelkonferenz in Jerusalem. Arch Geflugelkd 32:376-377