Topochemical investigation on tension wood fibres of Acer spp., Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus robur L.
Lehringer C, Gierlinger N, Koch G (2008) Topochemical investigation on tension wood fibres of Acer spp., Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus robur L.. Holzforsch 62(3):255-263, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.036
Ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer of indoor wood decay fungi
Schmidt O, Moreth U (2008) Ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer of indoor wood decay fungi. Holzforsch 62(6):759-764, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.128
Prof. Dr. Olaf Schmidt retired at 65
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Effect of autohydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus wood on lignin structure : Part 1: Comparison of different lignin fractions formed during water prehydrolysis
Leschinsky M, Zuckerstätter G, Weber HK, Patt R, Sixta H (2008) Effect of autohydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus wood on lignin structure : Part 1: Comparison of different lignin fractions formed during water prehydrolysis. Holzforsch 62(6):645-652, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.117
Effect of autohydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus wood on lignin structure : Part 2: Influence of autohydrolysis intensity
Leschinsky M, Zuckerstätter G, Weber HK, Patt R, Sixta H (2008) Effect of autohydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus wood on lignin structure : Part 2: Influence of autohydrolysis intensity. Holzforsch 62(6):653-658, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.117
Sorption of corn cob and oat spelt arabinoxylan onto softwood kraft pulp
Ramirez F, Puls J, Zuñiga V, Saake B (2008) Sorption of corn cob and oat spelt arabinoxylan onto softwood kraft pulp. Holzforsch 62(3):329-337, doi:10.1515/HF.2008.059
Bagasse alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone (AS/AQ) pulping and totally chlorine free (TCF) bleaching
Hedjazi S, Kordsachia O, Patt R, Latibari AJ, Tschirner U (2008) Bagasse alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone (AS/AQ) pulping and totally chlorine free (TCF) bleaching. Holzforsch 62(2):142-148, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.044
An investigation on the permeability of different wood furnish materials
Thömen H, Klüppel A (2008) An investigation on the permeability of different wood furnish materials. Holzforsch 62(2):215-222, DOI:10.1515/HF.2008.034
Natürliche Dauerhaftigkeit Sibirischer Lärche : Untersuchung mehrerer Herkunftsgebiete - Inhaltstoffe ursächlich für unterschiedliche Dauerhaftigkeit
Koch G, Rehbein M, Lenz MT (2007) Natürliche Dauerhaftigkeit Sibirischer Lärche : Untersuchung mehrerer Herkunftsgebiete - Inhaltstoffe ursächlich für unterschiedliche Dauerhaftigkeit. Holzforsch 61(22):593-594
Changes in physical, mechanical and chemical properties of wood during sterilisation by gamma radiation
Despot R, Hasan M, Brischke C, Welzbacher CR, Rapp AO (2007) Changes in physical, mechanical and chemical properties of wood during sterilisation by gamma radiation. Holzforsch 61(3):267-261