Remote sensing indices for environmental grassland monitoring in Europe
Holtgrave A-K, Förster M, Rossi M, Morel J, Ali I, Burchard-Levine V, Raya Serano MD, Fastnacht F, Rocchini D, Schwieder M, Hostert P, Kleinschmit B (2023) Remote sensing indices for environmental grassland monitoring in Europe. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 697
National Biodiversity Monitoring in Forests (NaBioWald) - a federal-state initiative
Bolte A, Ammer C, Daur N, Freitag M, Gärtner S, Goßner MM, Kätzel R, Kleinschmit J, Müller-Kröhling S, Kroiher F, Michler B, Meyer P, Sanders TGM, Schmitz F, Volz H-A, Wirth C (2023) National Biodiversity Monitoring in Forests (NaBioWald) - a federal-state initiative. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 726
Wild-bee trend monitoring in agricultural landscapes: Spatial design from the national to the local scale
Hellwig N, Stahl J, Ogan S, Sommerlandt FMJ, Grabener S, Lindermann L, Sickel W, Krüger L, Lakemann L, Dieker P (2023) Wild-bee trend monitoring in agricultural landscapes: Spatial design from the national to the local scale. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 752
What are we talking about? Patterns in the implementation of wildflower strips and fallows by German farmers
Baum S, Böhner HGS, Röder N (2021) What are we talking about? Patterns in the implementation of wildflower strips and fallows by German farmers. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 314
Recent and future forest mortality in Germany - what will come after the spruce age?
Bolte A, Sanders TGM, Wellbrock N (2021) Recent and future forest mortality in Germany - what will come after the spruce age? Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 117
Simulation of resistance to dispersal of arthropods and plants in an agricultural landscape
Klinkowström L von, Thiele J, Schröder B (2021) Simulation of resistance to dispersal of arthropods and plants in an agricultural landscape. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 19
Impact of policy-induced changes in fallow land area on farmland bird populations
Hertzog LR, Frank C, Böhner HGS, Kamp J, Röder N, Klimek S (2021) Impact of policy-induced changes in fallow land area on farmland bird populations. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 28
Standardized nesting aids as sampling method for monitoring cavity nesting wild bees in agricultural landscapes
Lindermann L, Stahl J, Dieker P (2021) Standardized nesting aids as sampling method for monitoring cavity nesting wild bees in agricultural landscapes. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 37
DNA metabarcoding in insect biodiversity monitoring - an application of eDNA for non-lethal detection of wild bees
Sickel W, Kulow J, Dieker P (2021) DNA metabarcoding in insect biodiversity monitoring - an application of eDNA for non-lethal detection of wild bees. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 40
Concept for a nationwide bumblebee monitoring in agricultural landscapes - collecting data on the status and trend of a key pollinator group and identifying landscape level effects
Sommerlandt FMJ, Hellwig N, Grabener S, Schulz-Kesting K, Dieker P (2021) Concept for a nationwide bumblebee monitoring in agricultural landscapes - collecting data on the status and trend of a key pollinator group and identifying landscape level effects. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 46