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Verlag: Berlin; Gesellschaft für Ökologie
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Es wurden 68 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 68.
Wild bee assemblages on wildflower strips: Data resolution and spatial scale are key to disentangling effects of landscape structure and agricultural practices
Grasslands under stress: nitrogen loading intensifies drought impact through vegetation shifts
ATP-AgriLandLab: A roadmap for the establishment and monitoring of Living Labs for the transformation of European agriculture
How beneficial are flower strips for biodiversity in European agricultural landscapes?
Importance of soil primary particles for shaping the diversity and activity of soil microbial communities - Results of a meta-analysis
Fine-scale temporal monitoring of soil microbial communities at an agricultural field site
Soil prokaryote richness follows classic Species-Area relationships across scales with consequences for large-scale composite sampling
The diversity of soil biota processes, functions and ecosystem services in land use systems
Bioregulation of Fusarium and its mycotoxins in maize residues by earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris)
Ecosystem services during earthworm-controlled litter decomposition in annual and perennial energy plants
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