Characteristics of cows' voices in time and frequency domains for recognition
Ikeda Y, Jahns G, Ishii Y (2000) Characteristics of cows' voices in time and frequency domains for recognition. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR
Communication technology is the backbone of precision agriculture
Munack A, Speckmann H (2000) Communication technology is the backbone of precision agriculture. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 8
Comparison of relevant exhaust gas emissions from biodiesel and fossil diesel fuel
Munack A, Schröder O, Krahl J, Bünger J (2000) Comparison of relevant exhaust gas emissions from biodiesel and fossil diesel fuel. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 6
Acoustic analysis to recognize individuals and animal conditions
Ikeda Y, Jahns G, Kowalczyk W, Walter K (2000) Acoustic analysis to recognize individuals and animal conditions. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 6
Compartimental airflow simulation in stables with natural ventilation
Brehme G, Krause K-H (2000) Compartimental airflow simulation in stables with natural ventilation. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 6
Influencing the emissions of methane and of nitrous oxide by the type of stable for pig fattening
Ahlgrimm H-J, Breford J (2000) Influencing the emissions of methane and of nitrous oxide by the type of stable for pig fattening. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 6
Adaptive control system for distribution of liquid manure
Munack A, Diler E, Speckmann H (2000) Adaptive control system for distribution of liquid manure. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 5
Acoustic analysis to recognize individuals and animal conditions
Ikeda Y, Jahns G, Kowalczyk W, Walter K (2000) Acoustic analysis to recognize individuals and animal conditions. In: The 14. Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 -December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan : abstracts. Tsukuba: CIGR, p 325