Chapter 6.11: Other areas (4.H)
Freibauer A, Gensior A, Laggner A (2017) Chapter 6.11: Other areas (4.H). Climate Change 2017/14: 648
Chapter 5: Agriculture (CRF Sector 3)
Haenel H-D, Rösemann C (2017) Chapter 5: Agriculture (CRF Sector 3). Climate Change 2017/14:435-506
Chapter 11: Supplementary information required under article 7, paragraph 1 of the Kyoto Protocol
Stümer W, Freibauer A, Rüter S, Dunger K, Steuk J, Brötz J (2017) Chapter 11: Supplementary information required under article 7, paragraph 1 of the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Change 2017/14:725-762
Rüter S (2017) Holzprodukte (4.G). Climate Change 2017/13:652-656