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Verlag: Braunschweig; FAL
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Es wurden 2033 Ergebnisse in 4 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 591 bis 600 von 2033.
Animal genetic resources in high input systems meat production in pigs
Experience from Asia
Genetic resources for current and future development of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle
Economic valuation of animal genetic resources with special reference to subsaharan Africa
Animal genetic resources in low input systems : the African perspective
The South African perspective on the use of animal resources
A global strategy for the development of animal breeding programmes in lower-input production environments
Welfare of domestic animals : is it possible to keep them without exploiting them?
Steigende Leistungsanforderungen an Milchkühe : bleibt die Tiergesundheit auf der Strecke?
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