Bodengefuege, Wurzelentwicklung und Wurzelfunktion
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Verbesserung der Glashaftung von Polyesterharzen bei der Herstellung von Boden-Duennschliffen
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A note on the reduction of runoff from crusted soils by natural and artificial earthworm channels
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Characterization of cultivation effects on soil organic matter
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Carbon turnover in the rhizosphere
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Mobilization and turnover of soil phosphorus in the rhizosphere
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Organism specific denitrification in samples of an udifluvent with different nitrate concentration
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Elementgehalte (C, N, P, K) wirbelloser Bodentiere
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Inoculation of cereal crops and forage grasses with nitrogen-fixing rhizosphere bacteria : Possible causes of success and failure with regard to yield response ; a review
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Denitrification losses from an inceptisol field treated with mineral fertilizer or sewage sludge
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