Distribution of ammonia in swine houses at emission reduction
Krause K-H, Linke S, Müller HJ, Mußlick M (2007) Distribution of ammonia in swine houses at emission reduction. In: Monteny GJ, Hartung E (eds) Ammonia emissions in agriculture. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, pp 134-135
Comprehensive reporting of agricultural emissions
Dämmgen U, Hutchings NJ, Webb J (2007) Comprehensive reporting of agricultural emissions. In: Monteny GJ, Hartung E (eds) Ammonia emissions in agriculture. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, pp 64-65
PM emissions in and from force-ventilated turkey and dairy cattle houses as a factor of health and environment
Hinz T, Linke S, Karlowski J, Myczko R, Kuczynski T, Berk J (2007) PM emissions in and from force-ventilated turkey and dairy cattle houses as a factor of health and environment. In: Monteny GJ, Hartung E (eds) Ammonia emissions in agriculture. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, pp 305-306
Drinking behaviour of horses depending on the type of trough, concentrate feeding and climate condition
Niemann B, Moors E, Bockisch F-J, Kreimeier P, Gauly M (2006) Drinking behaviour of horses depending on the type of trough, concentrate feeding and climate condition. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 69
Possibilities for reduction of excretion (N, P, CH4, trace elements) from food producing animals from the European view
Flachowsky G (2006) Possibilities for reduction of excretion (N, P, CH4, trace elements) from food producing animals from the European view. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 100
Feeding of genetically modifies (Bt) maize to laying hens over four generations
Halle I, Flachowsky G (2006) Feeding of genetically modifies (Bt) maize to laying hens over four generations. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 146
Studies on Rare Earth Elements (REE) in animal nutrition
Böhme H, Förster D, Halle I, Meyer U, Flachowsky G (2006) Studies on Rare Earth Elements (REE) in animal nutrition. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 125
Effects of Iodine supplementation on Iodine cencentration in blood and milk of dairy cows
Flachowsky G, Schöne F, Leiterer M, Bemmann D, Lebzien P (2006) Effects of Iodine supplementation on Iodine cencentration in blood and milk of dairy cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 295
Influence of linseed oil and diet composition on conjugated linolic acids (CLA) in duodenal flow and milk fat of cows
Flachowsky G, Erdmann K, Jahreis G, Lebzien P (2006) Influence of linseed oil and diet composition on conjugated linolic acids (CLA) in duodenal flow and milk fat of cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 305
Cross-sucking behaviour and blood glucose levels in group housed Holstein Friesian calves
Flömer M, Ude G, Moors E, Georg H, Bockisch F-J, Gauly M (2006) Cross-sucking behaviour and blood glucose levels in group housed Holstein Friesian calves. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 327