Integration into the dairy cow herd: long-term effects of mother contact during the first twelve weeks of life
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Influence of artificial vs. mother-bonded rearing on sucking behaviour, health and weight gain in calves
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Social hierarchy in exercised and untrained group-housed horses - a brief report
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The effects of short term enrichment on learning in chickens from a laying strain Gallus gallus domesticus
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Effects of the inclination of the lying area in cubicles on the behaviour and the dirtiness of fattening bulls
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Vocalisation of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) as an indicator for their adaptation towards ambient temperatures
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Farrowing conditions affect the reactions of piglets towards novel environment and social confrontation at weaning
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A new method to measure behavioural activity levels in dairy cows
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Consistency of individual behavioural characteristics of dairy cows in their home pen
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Vocalisation in chicks (Gallus gallus dom.) during stepwise social isolation
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