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Aktuelle Stellenangebote der Einrichtungen und Institute des Thünen-Instituts:

Job offer

Research Scientist (f/m/d) in the field of molecular ecology (fisheries biology/marine biology)

Beteiligte Institute
Institut für Fischereiökologie


The Institute of Fisheries Ecology of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, in Bremerhaven is looking to hire a

Research Scientist (f/m/d)

in the field of molecular ecology (fisheries biology/marine biology)

for a full-time permanent position in the research area Marine Biodiversity

With our research we want to further contribute to the establishment of practical applications of molecular genetic methods in marine and fisheries research. At the same time, we advise the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and other authorities on questions of stock characterization and biodiversity. The future employee will represent the Molecular Ecology Division within the Thuenen Institute and externally, further expand the research performance and strengthen the Institute's advisory competence in this field.

Job description: 

  • development and establishment of genetic methods for biodiversity monitoring, species identification and stock separation for application in fisheries and marine research
  • analysis and synthesis of environmental DNA data for fisheries monitoring
  • performing statistical evaluations and data analyses
  • preparation of scientific publications and statements for policy advice
  • presentation of research outcomes at national and international conferences
  • application for and participation in third-party funded projects in the above-mentioned research areas

Your profile:

  • university degree (Univ. Diploma/M.Sc.) in biology, fisheries biology, bioinformatics, computer science, agricultural or forestry sciences or related disciplines, preferably with a doctorate
  • expertise in population genetics/genomics and/or eDNA analysis, preferably with relevant work on fish
  • experience with practical laboratory work and bioinformatic analyses of NGS data
  • knowledge of statistical methods and skills in statistical data analysis, especially with R
  • experience in bioinformatics, biostatistics and database maintenance are beneficial
  • proof of publications in scientific journals
  • experience in project acquisition and management
  • experience in leadership including personnel management
  • strong cooperation and communication skills
  • good knowledge of English; for foreign applicants: willingness to learn German

We offer you a highly interesting job in applied research, the results of which are also of great interest to the public, as well as intensive cooperation in a motivated and friendly team.

We support the compatibility of work and family life and have been awarded the auditberufundfamilie certificate. In order to support compatibility, the Thünen Institute offers flexible working time models, home office, mobile working and teleworking, among other things, within the scope of official possibilities. Part-time employment is generally possible.

The employment relationship is based on the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD); remuneration is paid in accordance with pay group 13 TVöD.

The Thünen Institute promotes professional equality between women and men and therefore expressly welcomes applications from women.

The Thünen Institute is committed to inclusion. Applications from people with severe disabilities are therefore expressly encouraged. They will be given special consideration in the selection process.

Technical queries can be made at any time by e-mail or telephone to the head of the institute (e-mail reinhold.hanel@thuenen.de, Tel. +49 (0)471/94460-200)

Please send your application with a letter of motivation; a curriculum vitae in tabular form; a description of education and professional career as well as copies of certificates under the keyword "2024-124-FI " by 08.07.2024 electronicallyas one (1) pdf document to



Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut

Institut für Fischereiökologie

Herwigstr. 31, 27572 Bremerhaven

Information in accordance with Article 13 GDPR on the collection of personal data can be found atwww.thuenen.de/de/thuenen-institut/karriere


Für fachliche Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Hanel

+49 (0)471/94460-200


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