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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
Institut für

FI Fischereiökologie

agri benchmark Fish training in Bremerhaven

Agri benchmark Fish training on "Typical Farm Approach" at Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology and Sea Fisheries in Bremerhaven.

© Hendrik Brückner / Thünen Institut

From February 26th-27th, 2019, the agri benchmark Fish training on the typical farm approach took place at Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology and Sea fisheries in Bremerhaven. Within the two-day workshop, the 20 international participants got an in-depth inside and hands-on training on the economic data collection method in order to define costs and returns of Europeans most important and also niche aquaculture production systems in a standardized way. Thereby, step-by-step explanations of all parameters to be collected, respective data collection strategies and input presentations on practical applications were provided to the participants. These were complemented by practical group work, where the participants prepared and presented sector overviews and first ideas of typical farms for key species and producing countries. Besides setting the basis for the economic analysis of modal representative farms, the approach enables the examination of different policies measures as well as technical innovations towards the single aquaculture production system. The workshop further offered the opportunity for a fruitful exchange between the experts from diverse projects (e.g. GAIN) and the EU Data Collection framework (DCF).


Contact: Dr Tobias Lasner (FI) & Dr Cornelia Kreiß (SF)

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