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© Kay Panten
Institut für

SF Seefischerei

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  1. 0

    Fock HO, Duncan SE (2024) Mesopelagic fishes of the Benguela upwelling system, cruise RV Meteor 153, 2019, and cruise RV Sonne 285, 2021 [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 TAB file. Bremerhaven: PANGAEA, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00098178> [zitiert am 13.08.2024], DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.968479

  2. 1

    Fock HO, Dammann R, Mielck F, Kraus G, Lauerburg RAM, López González A, Nielsen P, Nowicki M, Pauli M, Temming A (2023) Auswirkungen der Garnelenfischerei auf Habitate und Lebensgemeinschaften im Küstenmeer der Norddeutschen Bundesländer Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg und Niedersachsen (CRANIMPACT). Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 240 p, Thünen Rep 107, DOI:10.3220/REP1681989003000


  3. 2

    Knorrn AH, Wieben KL, Fock HO, Andresen H (2023) Reproductive data of Electrona risso, Melamphaes polylepis and Scopelogadus mizolepis from the Eastern Central Atlantic in March and April 2015 [Datenpublikation] [online]. Bremerhaven: PANGAEA, zu finden in <https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.962192> [zitiert am 11.01.2024], DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.962192

  4. 3

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2022) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2022 : German research report for 2022. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 3 p


  5. 4

    Fock HO, Werner K-M, Stransky C (2021) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2021 : Survey results of the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2020 with special reference to years 2016 - 2019. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 19 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 21/003

  6. 5

    Fock HO (2021) Wie globale Stressfaktoren die Kleine Küstenfischerei bedrohen [online]. Welternährung(08.08.2021), zu finden in <https://www.welthungerhilfe.de/welternaehrung/rubriken/klima-ressourcen/wie-der-klimawandel-die-kuestenfischerei-ruiniert/> [zitiert am 01.09.2021]


  7. 6

    Isermeyer F, Nieberg H, Banse M, Bolte A, Christoph-Schulz IB, Dauber J, Witte T de, Dehler M, Döring R, Elsasser P, Fock HO, Focken U, Freund F, Goti L, Heidecke C, Kempf A, Koch G, Kraus G, Krause A, Kroiher F, Lasner T, Lüdtke J, Olbrich A, Osterburg B, Pelikan J, Probst WN, Rahmann G, Reiser S, Rock J, Röder N, Rüter S, Sanders J, Stelzenmüller V, Zimmermann C (2020) Auswirkungen aktueller Politikstrategien (Green Deal, Farm-to-Fork, Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030; Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz) auf Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Fischerei. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 102 p, Thünen Working Paper 156, DOI:10.3220/WP1600775202000


  8. 7

    Fock HO, Werner K-M, Stransky C (2020) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2020 : Survey results of the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2019 with special reference to years 2016 - 2019. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 14 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 20/052

  9. 8

    Jorch V, Fock HO, González Mellado AA, Schmidt G (2020) Sharing knowledge - to the benefit of all. Rural 21 54(2):50-51

  10. 9

    Fock HO (2017) Natura 2000 Intenational Doggerbank survey 2016 [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 Zip-Ordner. Bremerhaven: PANGAEA, zu finden in <https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.872101> [zitiert am 05.09.2023], DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.872101

  11. 10

    Fock HO, Probst WN, Schaber M (2014) Climate change limits elasmobranch recovery potential in the German Bight: A meta-population approach based on historical distribution data. BfN Skripten 367:100-103

  12. 11

    Probst WN, Rau A, Diekmann R, Dorrien C von, Seidel H, Fock HO, Kraus G, Stelzenmüller V (2014) Eine Thünen-Evaluierung von fisch- und fischereibezogenen Indikatoren der EU Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL). Hamburg: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 106 p, Thünen Working Paper 25, DOI:10.3220/WP_25_2014


  13. 12

    Fock HO, Akimova A (2014) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2014 : German Research Report for 2013. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 12 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 14/15

  14. 13

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2014) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO subarea 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2014. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 31 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 14

  15. 14

    Fock HO, Akimova A (2013) German research report for 2012. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 12 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc N6191

  16. 15

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2013) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other ginfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2012. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 31 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 13/015

  17. 16

    Fock HO, Akimova A (2012) German Research Report for 2011. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 12

  18. 17

    Fock HO (2012) Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries & Conservation. Edited by Tony Pitcher, Telmo Morato, Paul J. B. Hart, Malcolm Clark, Nigel Haggan and Ricardo S. Santos. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4051-3343-2 [Buchbesprechung]. Fish Fisheries 13(2):238-239

  19. 18

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2012) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of Demersal Redfish and other finfish in NAFO Subarea 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2011. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 31 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 12

  20. 19

    Nygaard R, Fock HO, Stransky C (2011) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2011 : Assessment of other finfish in NAFO subarea 1. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 9 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 11/025

  21. 20

    Fock HO, Akimova A (2011) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2011 : German Research Report for 2010. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 11/06

  22. 21

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2011) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2010 with particular reference to GLM survey standardization. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 31 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 11/04

  23. 22

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Bernreuther M (2010) Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 33 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/14

  24. 23

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Bernreuther M (2010) Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICESDiv. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 17 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/07

  25. 24

    Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Fock HO, Kloppmann MHF, Pedersen SA, Schulze T (2010) Marine spatial planning and fisheries: the potential economic losses for fisheries in the context of competing interests in coastal zones. In: Economics of fish resources and aquatic ecosystems: balancing uses, balancing costs : IIFET 2010, Montpellier, 13-16 July 2010 . Montpellier: IIFET

  26. 25

    Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Fock HO, Kloppmann MHF, Pedersen SA, Schulze T (2010) Nutzungskonflikte zwischen Windparks und Fischerei in der Nordsee - was die marine Raumordnung noch nicht berücksichtigt. Inf Fischereiforsch 57(1):23-26, DOI:10.3220/Infn57_23-26_2010


  27. 26

    Sell AF, Fock HO (2010) Resolving spatial conflicts between fisheries and Natura 2000 sites - a contribution to marine spatial planning in German offshore water. Naturschutz Biol Vielfalt 92:225-231

  28. 27

    Stein M, Fock HO, Akimova A (2010) Scientific Council meeting - June 2010 : German research report for 2009 ; NAFO SCS Doc. 10/08, Serial No. N5763. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p

  29. 28

    Bernreuther M, Fock HO, Stransky C (2010) Spatial resolution of German CPUE for north-east arctic saithe (Pollachius virens L.) in ICES Division IIa from 1995 to 2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 7 p, Working Doc ICES Arctic Fisheries Working Group 11

  30. 29

    Beare D, Rijnsdorp AD, Kooten T van, Fock HO, Schroeder A, Kloppmann MHF, Witbaard R, Meesters EH, Schulze T, Blaesbjerg M, Damm U, Quirijns F (2010) Study of the revision of the plaice box - final report. Wageningen: IMARES, 301 p

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    Schulze T, Fock HO, Kloppmann MHF, Damm U (2010) Untersuchungen zur Revision der Schollenbox : erweiterte deutsche Zusammenfassung. Fischerblatt 58(3):12-14

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    Fock HO (2010) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 23 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/16

  33. 32

    Odefey M, Fock HO (2010) vTI-SF: Dab. In: Heessen H (ed) Final Report NESPMAN : Improving the knowledge of the biology and the fisheries of the new species for management. Wageningen: IMARES, pp 110-124

  34. 33

    Fock HO, Odefey M (2010) vTI-SF: Fisheries for dab. In: Heessen H (ed) Final Report NESPMAN : Improving the knowledge of the biology and the fisheries of the new species for management. Wageningen: IMARES, pp 229-246

  35. 34

    Fock HO, Odefey M (2010) vTI-SF: Stock ID in dab and possible assessment areas. In: Heessen H (ed) Final Report NESPMAN : Improving the knowledge of the biology and the fisheries of the new species for management. Wageningen: IMARES, pp 305-310

  36. 35

    Odefey M, Fock HO (2010) vTI: Growth and maturity of dab. In: Heessen H (ed) Final Report NESPMAN : Improving the knowledge of the biology and the fisheries of the new species for management. Wageningen: IMARES, pp 295-299

  37. 36

    Fock HO (2009) A formal approach to relative ecological risk assessment in relation to fisheries effects on marine ecosystems. Copenhagen: ICES, 27 p, ICES WGECO Working Doc HF 2/2009

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    Fock HO, Stransky C, Bernreuther M (2009) Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICESDiv. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 16 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 10

  39. 38

    Fock HO (2009) EcoQO's : spatial variability of the large fish indicator in historical German data ; preliminary results. Copenhagen: ICES, 9 p, ICES WGECO Working Doc HF 1/2009

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    Stein M, Fock HO (2009) German Research Report for 2008. 10 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 09/11, Ser. No. N5638

  41. 40

    Herr H, Fock HO, Kock K-H, Siebert U (2009) Spatio-temporal interactions between harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and fisheries in the German Bight 2002-2006: Preliminary results. 13 p

  42. 41

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2009) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2008. 28 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 09/11, Serial No. N5637

  43. 42

    Fock HO (2009) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 25 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2009/07

  44. 43

    Fock HO, Rätz H-J (2008) Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2007. Copenhagen: ICES, 34 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2008/17

  45. 44

    Fock HO (2008) Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 34 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2009/08

  46. 45

    Nygaard R, Fock HO, Stransky C (2008) Assessment of demersal redfish in NAFO subarea 1. 9 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 08/37, Ser. No. N5538

  47. 46

    Fock HO, Sell AF (2008) Bycatch of FFH annex II fish species in German fisheries 2002 - 2006, North Sea. Copenhagen: ICES, 2 p, ICES WKFMMPA Working Doc 3/2008

  48. 47

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Rätz H-J (2008) Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICESDiv. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2007. Copenhagen: ICES, 14 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2008/03

  49. 48

    Fock HO (2008) De See weer frie..... Inf Fischereiforsch 55:1-4, DOI:10.3220/Infn55_1-4_2008


  50. 49

    Fock HO, Sell AF (2008) Fisheries-benthos interactions in the German EEZ in the North Sea : preliminary results. Copenhagen: ICES, 4 p, ICES WKFMMPA Working Doc 5/2008

  51. 50

    Fock HO, Stransky C (2008) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2007. 28 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 08/16, Ser. No. N5509

  52. 51

    Fock HO (2008) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2007. Copenhagen: ICES, 20 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2008/15

  53. 52

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Rätz H-J (2007) Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2006. Copenhagen: ICES, 33 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2007/07

  54. 53

    Fock HO, Rätz H-J, Stransky C, Large P (2007) Comparative groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod East Greenland offshore component by Germany and UK in 2005. Copenhagen: ICES, 11 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2007/06

  55. 54

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Rätz H-J (2007) Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICESDiv. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2006. Copenhagen: ICES, 21 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2007/04

  56. 55

    Rätz H-J, Stransky C, Stein M, Fock HO (2007) German Research Report for 2006. 7 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 07/11, Ser. No. N5359

  57. 56

    Fock HO, Rätz H-J, Stransky C (2007) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey, 1982-2006. 29 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 07/17, Ser. No. N5365

  58. 57

    Fock HO, Stransky C, Rätz H-J (2007) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2006. Copenhagen: ICES, 17 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2007/05

  59. 58

    Rätz H-J, Stransky C, Stein M, Fock HO (2006) German Research Report for 2005. 6 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 06/17, Ser. No. N5267

  60. 59

    Fock HO, Rätz H-J, Stransky C (2006) Stock abundance indices and length compositions of demersal redfish and other finfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey, 1982-2005. 28 p NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 06/43, Ser. No. N5266

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