Institut für
WF Waldwirtschaft
Referierte Artikel von Dr. Matthias Bösch am Thünen-Institut
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Pozo Inofuentes PS, Bösch M, Schweinle J (2024) Monitoring the sustainability of the EU biomass supply: A novel hybrid approach combining tracing and selected sustainability impacts. Land 13(9):1366, DOI:10.3390/land13091366
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Müller J, Lettenmaier L, Mergner U, Paul C, Ammer C, Bässler C, Braunisch V, Brunzel S, Englmeier J, Georgiev K, Gossner M, Höltermann A, Kamp J, Kleinschmit D, Michler B, Sanders TGM, Bösch M, Elsasser P, Weimar H, Wellbrock N, et al (2024) Wald. In: Wirth C, Bruelheide H, Farwig N, Marx JM, Settele J (eds) Faktencheck Artenvielfalt : Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oekom Verl, pp 357-519, DOI:10.14512/9783987263361
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Bösch M, Englert H, Weimar H, Dieter M (2023) Where does the wood come from? A physical accounting model to trace the origin of wood-based products. J Cleaner Prod 384:135604, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135604
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Bösch M (2021) Institutional quality, economic development and illegal logging: a quantitative cross-national analysis. Eur J Forest Res 140:1049-1064, DOI:10.1007/s10342-021-01382-z
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Jochem D, Bösch M, Weimar H, Dieter M (2021) National wood fiber balances for the pulp and paper sector: An approach to supplement international forest products statistics. Forest Pol Econ 131:102540, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102540
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Bösch M, Elsasser P, Rock J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2019) Extent and costs of forest-based climate change mitigation in Germany: accounting for substitution. Carbon Manag 10(2):127-134, DOI:10.1080/17583004.2018.1560194
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Bösch M, Elsasser P, Wunder S (2019) Why do payments for watershed services emerge? A cross-country analysis of adoption contexts. World Dev 119:111-119, DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.03.010
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Bösch M, Elsasser P, Franz K, Lorenz M, Moning C, Olschewski R, Rödl A, Schneider H, Schröppel B, Weller P (2018) Forest ecosystem services in rural areas of Germany: Insights from the national TEEB study. Ecosyst Services 31:77-83, DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.03.014
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Bösch M, Elsasser P, Rock J, Rüter S, Weimar H, Dieter M (2017) Costs and carbon sequestration potential of alternative forest management measures in Germany. Forest Pol Econ 78:88-97, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2017.01.005
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Jochem D, Weimar H, Bösch M, Mantau U, Dieter M (2015) Estimation of wood removals and fellings in Germany: a calculation approach based on the amount of used roundwood. Eur J Forest Res 134(5):869-888, DOI:10.1007/s10342-015-0896-9
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Bösch M, Weimar H, Dieter M (2015) Input-output evaluation of Germany's national cluster of forest-based industries. Eur J Forest Res 134(5):899-910, DOI:10.1007/s10342-015-0898-7
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Bösch M, Jochem D, Weimar H, Dieter M (2015) Physical input-output accounting of the wood and paper flow in Germany. Resources Conserv Recycl 94:99-109, DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.11.014