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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Institut für

WF Waldwirtschaft

Referierte Artikel von Dr. Heinz Stichnothe am Thünen-Institut

  1. 0

    Joseph B, Stichnothe H (2024) Considering grouped or individual non-methane volatile organic compound emissions in life cycle assessment of composting using three life cycle impact assessment methods. Recycling 9(3):35, DOI:10.3390/recycling9030035


  2. 1

    Stichnothe H, Joseph B, Preyl V, Meyer C (2024) Rural urban nutrient partnership (RUN): Life cycle assessment of multi nutrient recovery from kitchen waste and blackwater. Recycling 9(2):31, DOI:10.3390/recycling9020031


  3. 2

    Giuliano A, Stichnothe H, Pierro N, De Bari I (2024) Techno-economic analysis of territorial case studies for the integration of biorefineries and green hydrogen. Energies 17(23):5966, DOI:10.3390/en17235966


  4. 3

    Joseph B, Stichnothe H (2023) Estimating uncertainties in the life cycle assessment of composting household biowaste and urban green waste in Germany. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag 25(5):3065-3080, DOI:10.1007/s10163-023-01740-6


  5. 4

    Joseph B, Stichnothe H (2023) Influences of management practices and methodological choices on life cycle assessment results of composting mixtures of biowaste and green cuts. Waste 1(4):919-934, DOI:10.3390/waste1040053


  6. 5

    Mallast J, Stichnothe H, Kreuter T, Thiel E, Pommer C, Döhler J, Eißner F, Kühling I, Rücknagel J, Pamperin H, Augustin J, Hoffmann M, Simon A, Hülsbergen KJ, Maidl FX, Tauchnitz N, Bischoff J, Böttcher F (2022) A three-year data set of gaseous field emissions from crop sequence at three sites in Germany. Sci Data 9:415, DOI:10.1038/s41597-022-01549-2


  7. 6

    Stichnothe H (2022) Life cycle assessment of peat for growing media and evaluation of the suitability of using the Product Environmental Footprint methodology for peat. Int J Life Cycle Assessment 27(12):1270-1282, DOI:10.1007/s11367-022-02106-0


  8. 7

    Mallast J, Stichnothe H, Flessa H, Fuß R, Lucas-Moffat AM, Petersen-Schlapkohl U, Augustin J, Hagemann U, Kesenheimer K, Ruser R, Suarez Quinones T, Prochnow A, Dittert K, Köbke S, Huth V, Glatzel S, Räbiger T, Knieß A, Kage H, Hegewald H, Christen O (2021) Multi-variable experimental data set of agronomic data and gaseous soil emissions from maize, oilseed rape and other energy crops at eight sites in Germany. Open Data J Agric Res 7:11-19

  9. 8

    Kesenheimer K, Augustin J, Hegewald H, Köbke S, Dittert K, Räbiger T, Suarez Quinones T, Prochnow A, Hartung J, Fuß R, Stichnothe H, Flessa H, Ruser R (2021) Nitrification inhibitors reduce N2O emissions induced by application of biogas digestate to oilseed rape. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 120:99-118, DOI:10.1007/s10705-021-10127-8


  10. 9

    Stichnothe H, Amthauer Gallardo DA, Notz I (2020) Comparison of two crop sequences with and without legumes in Bulgaria. In: Eberle U, Smetana S, Bos U (eds) Proceedings 12th International conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCAFood2020), 13-16 October 2020, Berlin Virtually, Germany. Quakenbrück: DIL, pp 513-518

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