Institut für
WF Waldwirtschaft
Weitere Veröffentlichungen von Dr. Matthias Bösch
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Moog M, Bösch M (2013) Interest rates in the German forest valuation literature of the early nineteenth century. Forest Pol Econ 30:1-5
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Kaiser R, Bösch M, Moog M (2013) On the optimization of legislative periods - similarities to the optimization of rotation periods. Forest Pol Econ 27:1-7
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Bösch M, Moog M (2013) The rotation problem and tropical deforestation in forest economic textbooks: a comparative review. J Sustain For 32:512–526, DOI:10.1080/10549811.2013.772900
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Knoke T, Steinbeis O-E, Bösch M, Roman-Cuesta RM, Burkhardt T (2011) Cost-effective compensation to avoid carbon emissions from forest loss: An approach to consider price-quantity effects and risk-aversion. Ecol Econ 70:1139–1153, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.01.007
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Bösch M (2011) Technological change in agriculture and deforestation in the tropics : an economic perspective with special reference to the case of Ecuador. Bad Orb: Sauerländer, 181 p, München, Technische Hochsch, Diss, Schr Forst Umweltökon 38
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Bösch M (2009) Plantation Forestry in the Tropics, The Role, Silviculture, and Use of Planted Forests for Industrial, Social, Environmental, and Agroforestry Purposes, Julian Evans, John W. Turnbull, 2006, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 467 pp, ISBN-10: 0198509472; ISBN-13: 978-0198509479 [Buchbesprechung]. Forest Pol Econ 11(1):77, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2008.07.007
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Bösch M (2008) Forest Certification Schemes in Europe. In: IUFRO 4.05.00: Emerging needs of society from forest ecosystems; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 22-24. 2008. pp 92-101