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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Institut für

WF Waldwirtschaft

Referierte Artikel von Dr. Tarin Toledo Aceves am Thünen-Institut

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    Toledo-Aceves T, Günter S, Guariguata MR, Garcia-Diaz M, Zhunusova E (2022) Financial revenues from timber harvesting in secondary cloud forests: a case study from Mexico. Forests 13(9):1496, DOI:10.3390/f13091496


  2. 1

    Zhunusova E, Ahimbisibwe V, Sen LTH, Sadeghi A, Toledo-Aceves T, Kabwe G, Günter S (2022) Potential impacts of the proposed EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains on smallholders, indigenous peoples, and local communities in producer countries outside the EU. Forest Pol Econ 143:102817, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102817

  3. 2

    Toledo-Aceves T, López-Barrera F, Vásquez-Reyes V, Günter S (2022) Restoration of tropical montane cloud forest in bracken dominated pastures: The role of nurse shrubs. Forest Ecol Manag 508:120055, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120055

  4. 3

    Toledo-Aceves T, Guariguata MR, Günter S, Porter-Bolland L, Merino L (2021) Overcoming key barriers for secondary cloud forest management in Mexico. Land 10(10):1078, DOI:10.3390/land10101078


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    Trujillo-Miranda AL, Toledo-Aceves T, López-Barrera F, Günter S (2021) Tree diversity and timber productivity in planted forests: Pinus patula versus mixed cloud forest species. New Forests 52:177-195, DOI:10.1007/s11056-020-09787-1

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