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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
© Thünen-Institut
Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Institut für

WF Waldwirtschaft

Veröffentlichungen von Dr. Emilin Joma da Silva

  1. 0

    Da Silva EJ, Cremonez VG, Nisgoski S (2019) Color change and thermogravimetric analysis of thermally treated Eucalyptus grandis wood. Brazil J Wood Sci 10(1):39-47, DOI:10.12953/2177-6830/rcm.v10n1p39-47


  2. 1

    Cremonez VG, Klitzke RJ, Da Silva EJ, Bolzon de Muniz GI, Nisgoski S (2019) Influence of age on the discrimination of Tectona grandis by VIS/NIR spectroscopy. Floresta E Ambiente 26(2):e20170159, DOI:10.1590/2179-8087.015917


  3. 2

    Da Silva EJ (2018) Wood utilization and sources in Brazil - a comprehensive market view on the basis of the Wood Resource Balance. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fak f Math Inf und Naturwiss, 44 p, Hamburg, Univ, Fak f Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachber Biologie, Masterarb, 2018

  4. 3

    Da Silva EJ (2017) Caracterização do cenário do empreendedorismo rural no Brasil: Uma revisão bibliográfica. Revista Livre Sustentabilidade Empreendedorismo 2(3):142-151

  5. 4

    Da Silva EJ, Schmidt G, Cremonez V, Venson I, Simetti P (2016) The effect of heat treatment on wood-water relationship and mechanical properties of commercial Uruguayan plantation timber eucalyptus grandis. Aust J Basic Appl Sci 10(1):704-708

  6. 5

    Schmidt G, Cesar Gonçalves Robert R, Da Silva EJ, Magel EA (2016) The joint-venture expedition project "IX. Brasil Norte-Sul" from 12th July to 08th August 2016, carried out together with the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil and the National University of Amazonas Madre de Dios, Peru. Hamburg, 13 p, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.25400.60162

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    Schmidt G, Da Silva EJ, Cesar Gonçalves Robert R (2015) Deutschland Nord-Süd 2015 : DAAD Studienpraktikum ; Academic internship, project report. Universidade Federal do Paraná, 51 p, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.10301.10721

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