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Interaction between wood and geopolymer
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Der Holzfluss in Deutschland und seine Preisabhängigkeit am Beispiel Bausektor
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Empowering woodworking industry stakeholders to reduce environmental impacts
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Evaluation of spatial management strategies in the German bight : how to balance sustainable use and ecosystem health?
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Bamboo inhabiting fungi and their damage to the substrate
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Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung - Logical Framework-Ansatz zur kontextbezogenen Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit auf Basis gesellschaftlicher Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte
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Wood formation in Fagus sylvatica L. and Populus x canescens (Aiton) Sm. under elevated CO2 and with different nutrient supply
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Monitoring reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) : capabilities of high-resolution active remote sensing
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Influence of extractives from knots on coating failures of coated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) panels
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