Meining S, Fischer R (2011) Tree crown condition and damage causes. Arbeitsber Inst Weltforstwirtsch Work Rep 2011/01:29-85
Lorenz M, Granke O (2011) Background, set up and current state of the ICP forests and FutMon monitoring system. Arbeitsber Inst Weltforstwirtsch Work Rep 2011/01:13-18
Ferretti M, König N, Granke O, Cools N, Derome J, Derome K, Fürst A, Hosenfeld F, Marchetto A, Mues V (2011) Quality assurance and quality control within the monitoring system. Arbeitsber Inst Weltforstwirtsch Work Rep 2011/01:19-28
Giordani P, Calatayud V, Stofer S, Granke O (2011) Epiphytic lichen diversity in relation to atmospheric deposition. Arbeitsber Inst Weltforstwirtsch Work Rep 2011/01:128-143
Exceedance of critical loads for acidity and nitrogen and scenarios for the future development of soil solution chemistry
Nagel HD, Scheuschner T, Schlutow A, Granke O, Clarke N, Fischer R (2011) Exceedance of critical loads for acidity and nitrogen and scenarios for the future development of soil solution chemistry. Arbeitsber Inst Weltforstwirtsch Work Rep 2011/01:97-113
Thermal treatment of beechwood railway sleepers for recycling : changes in wood microstructure and mechanical properties
Mayer I, Ganne-Chédeville C, Hunger K, Koch G, Lehmann E, Arx U von, Pichelin F (2010) Thermal treatment of beechwood railway sleepers for recycling : changes in wood microstructure and mechanical properties. In: COST Action FP 0802 : experimental and computational microcharacterization techniques in wood mechanics ; workshop Wood structure/function-relationships, 5-8 October, 2010, Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg: vTI, p 68
Multi-level of lignin distribution and cell geometry in Picea Abies (L. Karst.) as a basis to explain anisotropic swelling
Lanvermann C, Schmitt U, Niemz P (2010) Multi-level of lignin distribution and cell geometry in Picea Abies (L. Karst.) as a basis to explain anisotropic swelling. In: COST Action FP 0802 : experimental and computational microcharacterization techniques in wood mechanics ; workshop Wood structure/function-relationships, 5-8 October, 2010, Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg: vTI, p 27
Topochemical investigation within individual cell wall layers of brown-rotted scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood, degraded by the brown-rot fungus antroida vaillantii
Rehbein M, Koch G (2010) Topochemical investigation within individual cell wall layers of brown-rotted scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood, degraded by the brown-rot fungus antroida vaillantii. In: COST Action FP 0802 : experimental and computational microcharacterization techniques in wood mechanics ; workshop Wood structure/function-relationships, 5-8 October, 2010, Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg: vTI, p 57
Application of cellulose fibrils from oat spelts as paper additive
Saake B, Riegert C, Schmitt U, Puls J (2009) Application of cellulose fibrils from oat spelts as paper additive. In: Japanese-European workshop on cellulose and functional polysaccharides 2009, 16-18 September 2009, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Hamburg. Hamburg: vTI, pp 58-59