The effect of crop diversification and season on microbial carbon use efficiency across a European pedoclimatic gradient [Datenpublikation]
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A set of simulations across Europe showing the carbon sequestration potential associated to maximized roots [Datenpublikation]
Pape B, Dechow R, Rees F (2025) A set of simulations across Europe showing the carbon sequestration potential associated to maximized roots [Datenpublikation] [online]. 5 TIFF files. Genève: Zenodo, zu finden in [zitiert am 25.02.2025], DOI:10.3220/DATA20250205161033-0
Country-specific calculation of potential forest area (PFA) [Datenpublikation]
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TiMBA (Timber market model for policy-based analysis) [Datenpublikation]
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Water eDNA metabarcoding: mifish primer dataset [Datenpublikation]
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Dataset to Schiedung et al. (2025): Separating fast from slow cycling soil organic carbon - A multi-method comparison on land use change sites [Datenpublikation]
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A set of simulations across Europe showing the carbon sequestration potential associated to maximized roots
Pape B (2024) A set of simulations across Europe showing the carbon sequestration potential associated to maximized roots. Genève: Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.14276061
Europe scale simulation of reduced fertilization scenarios
Pape B (2024) Europe scale simulation of reduced fertilization scenarios. Genève: Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.14069147