Feig G, Brümmer C, Maluleke A, Midgley GF (2024) Research infrastructures as anchor points for long-term environmental observation. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:881-902, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_30
Maltitz GP von, Midgley GF, Veitch J, Brümmer C, Rötter RP, Rixen T, Brandt P, Veste M (2024) Synthesis and outlook on future research and scientific education in Southern Africa. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:933-964, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_32
Sustainability of Southern African ecosystems under global change : Science for management and policy interventions
Maltitz GP von, Midgley GF, Veitch J, Brümmer C, Rötter RP, Viehberg FA, Veste M (eds) (2024) Sustainability of Southern African ecosystems under global change : Science for management and policy interventions. Cham: Springer, XXXV, 973 p, Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5
Sell AF, Maltitz GP von, Auel H, Biastoch A, Bode-Dalby M, Brandt P, Duncan SE, Ekau W, Fock HO, Hagen W, Huggett JA, Koppelmann R, Körner M, Lahajnar N, Martin B, Midgley GF, Rixen T, Lingen CD van der, Verheye HM, Wilhelm MR (2024) Unique Southern African terrestrial and oceanic biomes and their relation to steep environmental gradients. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:23-88, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_2
Martin B, Auel H, Bode-Dalby M, Dudeck T, Duncan SE, Ekau W, Fock HO, Hagen W, Heinatz K, Kaufmann Manfred J, Koppelmann R, Lamont T, Louw D, Moloto T, Sell AF, Thomalla S, Lingen CD van der (2024) Studies of the ecology of the Benguela Current Upwelling System: The TRAFFIC approach. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:277-312, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_11
Maltitz GP von, Bieri M, Midgley GF, Veitch J, Brümmer C, Rötter RP, Veste M (2024) Coupled earth system and human processes: An introduction to SPACES and the book. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:3-21, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_1
Rybchak O, du Toit JCO, Maluleke A, Bieri M, Midgley GF, Feig G, Brümmer C (2024) A fine line between carbon source and sink: Potential CO2 sequestration through sustainable grazing management in the Nama-Karoo. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:471-498, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_17
Modeling of energy and matter exchange
Falge E, Köck K, Gatzsche K, Voß L, Schäfer A, Berger M, Dlugi R, Raabe A, Pyles RD, Paw U Kyaw Tha , Foken T (2017) Modeling of energy and matter exchange. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 229:379-414, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_16
Complexity of flow structures and turbulent transport in heterogeneously forested landscapes: large-eddy simulation study of the Waldstein Site
Kanani-Sühring F, Falge E, Voß L, Raasch S (2017) Complexity of flow structures and turbulent transport in heterogeneously forested landscapes: large-eddy simulation study of the Waldstein Site. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 229:415-436
Köstner B, Falge E, Alsheimer M (2017) Sap flow measurements. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 229:99-112, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_5