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Zeitschrift: Pro Ligno
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Es wurden 10 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
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European co-operation in wood research from native wood to engineered materials. Part 1: Chemical modification with native impregnation agents
1st Serbian Forestry Congress "Future with Forests"
Thanks to high economic rate, Serbia is so called the "Balkan Tiger"
Thailand - the Siam's revival through forest plantations
Sustainable development and the role of the forest products industry : the 65th international convention of the Forest Products Society ; June 19-21, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA
Oregon State: king of forest products in the far west of the USA
ISPM-15 heat-treatment induced changes in extractives of Scots pine and the effect on fungal discoloration
Descoperind lumea, ca specialist in ingineria lemnului partea 1: Coreea de Sud - o tara renascuta ca pasarea Phoenix : Discovering the world as a specialist in wood engineering part 1: South Korea - a country reborn as the Phoenix bird
Al 23-lea Congres Mondial IUFRO, Seul, 23-28 August 2010 : 23rd IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, 23-28 August 2010
The state of the art for the environmental protection in the European wood bases panels industry
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