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Silver birch shows nonlinear responses to moisture availability and temperature in the eastern Baltic Sea region
Matisons R, Jansone D, Elferts D, Schneck V, Kowalczyk J, Wojda T, Jansons A (2022) Silver birch shows nonlinear responses to moisture availability and temperature in the eastern Baltic Sea region. Dendrochronologia 76:126003, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2022.126003
Plasticity of response of tree-ring width of Scots pine provenances to weather extremes in Latvia
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High frequency growth variability of White spruce clones does not differ from non-clonal trees at Alaskan treelines
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CLIMTREG: Detecting temporal changes in climate–growth reactions - A computer program using intra-annual daily and yearly moving time intervals of variable width
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The "dendrochronological community" at Rovaniemi, Finland, 2010: Lessons learned from the past and perspectives for the future
Eckstein D, Cherubini P (2012) The dendrochronological community at Rovaniemi, Finland, 2010: Lessons learned from the past and perspectives for the future. Dendrochronologia 30(2):195-197, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2011.02.001
Dendrochronologia - A mirror for 25 years of tree-ring research and a sensor for promising topics
Eckstein D, Schweingruber F (2009) Dendrochronologia - A mirror for 25 years of tree-ring research and a sensor for promising topics. Dendrochronologia 27(1):7-13, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2009.01.001
The pinning method: From pinning to data preparation
Seo J-W, Eckstein D, Schmitt U (2007) The pinning method: From pinning to data preparation. Dendrochronologia 25(2):79-86, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2007.04.001
Eckstein D (2007) Human time in tree rings. Dendrochronologia 24(2-3):53-60, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2006.10.001
Growth reactions of Pinus sylvestris L. and Quercus pubescens Willd. to drought years at a xeric site in Valais, Switzerland
Eilmann B, Weber P, Rigling A, Eckstein D (2006) Growth reactions of Pinus sylvestris L. and Quercus pubescens Willd. to drought years at a xeric site in Valais, Switzerland. Dendrochronologia 23(3):121-132, DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2005.10.002