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Zeitschrift: Biospektrum : Sonderausgabe
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Es wurden 24 Ergebnisse in 8 Millisekunden gefunden.
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Stable isotope probing, real-time PCR and genetic profiling of PCR-amplified SSU rRNA genes from soil DNA indicate effects of long-term fertilization on the soil microbial community inhabiting an agricultural field
Spatial heterogeneity of bacterial populations detected in soil from the aquifer of a field site, high polluted with trichloroethene (TCE)
Characterization of gut bacteria from insect larvae with a suite of cultivation independent methods, including stable isotope probing and genetic profiling of partial rRNA sequences and their corresponding genes
Cultivation-independent detection of dehalogenating bacterial in TCE-contaminated aquifers
A field study on the effect of Bt-corn on soil bacteria
Assessment of microbial in-situ activity using "BACTRAPS" with 13C-labelled substrates
Diversity of gut bacteria in bees and analysis of their transformability with foreign DNA
Prokaryotic diversity in a TCE contaminated aquifer - a cultivation independent survey
Effect of elevated tropospheric ozone on the diversity of prokaryotic microorganisms in rhizospheres
Persistence and transfer of recombinant genes from transplastomic plants to bacteria inhibiting the gut of plant feeding insects
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