Kritiske elementer i bestandsvurderingsmodeller for aal og havoerred
Jepsen N, Skov C, Kristensen ML, Larsen MH, Lewin W-C, Gundelund C, Weltersbach MS, Ferter K, Koed A (2023) Kritiske elementer i bestandsvurderingsmodeller for aal og havørred. Silkeborg: DTU Aqua, 57 p, DTU Aqua Rep 416-2022
Tagging Baltic Cod - TABACOD : Eastern Baltic cod: Solving the ageing and stock assessment problems with combined state-of-the-art tagging methods
Hüssy K, Casini M, Haase S, Hilvarsson A, Horbowy J, Krüger-Johnsen M, Krumme U, Limburg K, McQueen K, Mion M, Olesen HJ, Radtke K (2020) Tagging Baltic Cod - TABACOD : Eastern Baltic cod: Solving the ageing and stock assessment problems with combined state-of-the-art tagging methods. National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, 92 p, DTU Aqua Rep 368-2020
Ozonation in marine RAS: Effects of residual oxidants on fish health and biofilter performance
Schröder JP, Klatt SF, Reiser S, Würtz S, Hanel R, Schulz C (2013) Ozonation in marine RAS: Effects of residual oxidants on fish health and biofilter performance. DTU Aqua Rep 267-13: 38
Critical report of current fisheries management measures implemented for the North Sea mixed demersal fisheries
Nielsen JR, Ulrich C, Hegland TJ, Voss Bde, Thoegersen T, Bastardie F, Goti L, Eigaard OR, Kindt-Larsen L (2013) Critical report of current fisheries management measures implemented for the North Sea mixed demersal fisheries. Charlottenlund: National Institute of Aquatic Resources, 82 p, DTU Aqua Rep 263