Measuring the international standard trawl for Baltic demersal surveys (TV3-520 Meshes) : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012
Oeberst R, Velasco A, Mieske B (2012) Measuring the international standard trawl for Baltic demersal surveys (TV3-520 Meshes) : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012. Copenhagen: ICES, 4 p
Mixing of two herring (Clupea harengus) stocks in ICES Subdivision 24 (Arkona Sea, Western Baltic) - implications and consequences for stock assessment
Gröhsler T, Oeberst R, Schaber M (2011) Mixing of two herring (Clupea harengus) stocks in ICES Subdivision 24 (Arkona Sea, Western Baltic) - implications and consequences for stock assessment. Copenhagen: ICES, 16 p
Species composition in scattered layers during acoustic surveys estimated by means of trawling stations
Oeberst R (2011) Species composition in scattered layers during acoustic surveys estimated by means of trawling stations. Copenhagen: ICES, 10 p
Inter-calibration experiments between the RV Havfisken and the RV Solea
Velasco A, Thaarup A (2010) Inter-calibration experiments between the RV Havfisken and the RV Solea. Copenhagen: ICES, 4 p
Conversion factors for CPUE of flounder captured by former national gear types and new standard gears
Oeberst R (2007) Conversion factors for CPUE of flounder captured by former national gear types and new standard gears. Copenhagen: ICES, 7 p
Use of otholith parameters and total length for supporting the ageing process of Baltic cod
Oeberst R (2004) Use of otholith parameters and total length for supporting the ageing process of Baltic cod. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 11 p
Estimates of conversion factors between the new standard trawls and the former used national trawls based on the mean horizontal net opening
Oeberst R (2004) Estimates of conversion factors between the new standard trawls and the former used national trawls based on the mean horizontal net opening. Copenhagen: ICES, 6 p
Studies related to the conversion factors
Oeberst R (2004) Studies related to the conversion factors. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 6 p
Corrected conversion factors of cod and flounder based on the German model
Oeberst R (2003) Corrected conversion factors of cod and flounder based on the German model. Copenhagen: ICES, 20 p
Optimal size of units for allocating hauls of Baltic International Trawl Survey
Oeberst R (2003) Optimal size of units for allocating hauls of Baltic International Trawl Survey. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 10 p