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Assessment of amino acid requirements for Totoaba macdonaldi at different levels of protein using stable isotopes and a non-digestible protein source as a filler
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Use of isotopic enrichment to assess the relationship among dietary protein levels, growth and nitrogen retention in juvenile Totoaba macdonaldi
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A revolution without people? Closing the people-policy gap in aquaculture development
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Albumin and globulin rapeseed protein fractions as fish meal alternative in diets fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.)
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The toxicity of ozone-produced oxidants to the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
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Histological and physiological alterations in juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima, L.) exposed to sublethal concentrations of ozone-produced oxidants in ozonated seawater
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Accumulation of cobalt during embryonic development of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Rich.)
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