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Verlag: Luxembourg:
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Es wurden 7 Ergebnisse in 15 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 7 von 7.
Non-food, bio-energy and forestry : (research and demonstration projects concerning alternative land use, production and processing of biological raw materials for bio-energy, chemicals, polymers and forestry products from renewable resources)
Ex-post evaluation of EIB operations in favour of Société Africaine de Cacao (SACO) (Ivory Coast)
Study on survey methods used in the Community Member States for compiling cattle, pig, sheep and goat population and slaughtering statistics and forecasting gross indigenous production : part 3, sheep and goats
Study on survey methods used in the Community Member States for compiling cattle, pig, sheep and goat population and slaughtering statistics and forecasting gross indigenous production : part 1, cattle
Study on survey methods used in the Community Member States for compiling cattle, pig, sheep and goat population and slaughtering statistics and forecasting gross indigenous production : part 4, assessment
Study on survey methods used in the Community Member States for compiling cattle, pig, sheep and goat population and slaughtering statistics and forecasting gross indigenous production : part 2, pigs
Ansätze zur Harmonisierung der Mengenstatistik für Eier und Geflügelfleisch in der EWG
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