The LayWel project: welfare implications of changes in production systems for laying hens
Blokhuis HJ, Fiks-van Niekerk T, Bessei W, Elson A, Guémené D, Kjær JB, Levrino GAM, Nicol C, Tauson R, Weeks CA, Weerd HA van de (2007) The LayWel project: welfare implications of changes in production systems for laying hens. World's Poult Sci J 63(1):101-114
Molecular markers for the assessment of chicken biodiversity
Hillel J, Granevitze Z, Twito T, Ben-Avraham D, Blum S, Lavi U, David L, Feldman MW, Cheng HH, Weigend S (2007) Molecular markers for the assessment of chicken biodiversity. World's Poult Sci J 63(1):33-45
Effects of environmental enrichment on the prevalance and severity of tibial dyschondroplasia in different strains of male turkeys
Berk J, Cottin E (2006) Effects of environmental enrichment on the prevalance and severity of tibial dyschondroplasia in different strains of male turkeys. World's Poult Sci J 62(Supplement):607
Hyperplasia in interrenal cells of adrenal glands after forced training of turkeys
Petow S, Berk J, Kjær JB (2006) Hyperplasia in interrenal cells of adrenal glands after forced training of turkeys. World's Poult Sci J 62(Supplement):585-586
Will genetic selection be a tool to decrease foot pad dermatitis in broilers?
Kjær JB, Su G, Nielsen BL, S¢rensen P (2006) Will genetic selection be a tool to decrease foot pad dermatitis in broilers? World's Poult Sci J 62(Supplement):605-606
Does variation in incubation temperate increase broiler chicken performance?
Janke O, Tzschentke B, Halle I (2006) Does variation in incubation temperate increase broiler chicken performance? World's Poult Sci J 62(2006)suppl.:484-485
Influence of scaled savory (Satureja hortensis) content in broiler diets, starting at different ages
Halle I, Thomann R, Bauermann U (2006) Influence of scaled savory (Satureja hortensis) content in broiler diets, starting at different ages. World's Poult Sci J 62(2006)suppl.: 341
Welfare of ducks in European duck husbandry systems
Rodenburg TB, Bracke MBM, Berk J, Cooper J, Faure JM, Guémené D, Guy G, Harlander A, Jones T, Knierim U, Kuhnt K, Pingel H, Reiter K, Serviére J, Ruis MAW (2005) Welfare of ducks in European duck husbandry systems. World's Poult Sci J 61(4):633-646
Transgenic plants in poultry nutrition
Chesson A, Flachowsky G (2003) Transgenic plants in poultry nutrition. World's Poult Sci J 59(2):201-207
Current knowledge on sex determination and sex diagnosis : potential solutions
Ellendorff F, Klein S (2003) Current knowledge on sex determination and sex diagnosis : potential solutions. World's Poult Sci J 59(3):7