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Verlag: Reading; British Grassland Society
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Es wurden 9 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 9 von 9.
Aerobic stability of silages from high sugar grasses (EU-Project "SweetGrass")
Accumulation of water soluble carbohydrates in two perennial ryegrass cultivars at nine European sites
Yield mapping in a meadow by bale positions
Occurrence and effects of endophytic fungi and lolitrem B in perennial ryegrass in Germany
LEGSIL : ensiling of established and novel legumes in Germany, Sweden and Finland
From laboratory to harvester : forage analysis by NIRS diode array instrumentation
Production and adaptation of five forage legumes for silage in Northern Europe
Production and adaptation of five forage legumes for silage in Northern Europe
LEGSIL : ensiling of established and novel legumes in Germany, Sweden and Finland
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