Es wurden 5 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 5 von 5.
Blood biochemical profiles of Thai indigenous and Simmental X Brahman crossbred cattle in the Central Thailand
On the effects of a chronic deoxynivalenol intoxication on performance, haematological and serum parameters of pigs when diets are offered either for ad libitum consumption or fed restrictively
Passage of a heterologous protein through ileal enterocytes of newborn piglets: immunolabelling of bovine serum albumin of the light- and electron microscopic level
Der Säure/Basen-Status im blut von Kälbern bei Mutterkuhhaltung und in der Milchmast
Flux of inorganic phosphate and calcium across the isolated mucosa of the sheep omasum
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