Changes in formaldehyde treated grass silage during fermentation and after aerobic deterioration
Theune H-H, Honig H (1980) Changes in formaldehyde treated grass silage during fermentation and after aerobic deterioration. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:265-270
Mechanical and respiration losses during pre-wilting of grass
Honig H (1980) Mechanical and respiration losses during pre-wilting of grass. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:201-204
Measuring the particle length of chopped forage
Bosma AH, Dernedde W (1980) Measuring the particle length of chopped forage. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:331-334
Treatments to increase the drying rate of cut forage
Dernedde W (1980) Treatments to increase the drying rate of cut forage. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:61-66
Zimmer E (1980) Efficient silage systems. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:186-197
Changes in silage on exposure to air
Honig H, Woolford MK (1980) Changes in silage on exposure to air. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:76-87
Digestion and metabolism of forage
Rohr K (1980) Digestion and metabolism of forage. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:96-106
Anhydrous ammonia as a moist hay preservative
Küntzel U, Leshem Y, Pahlow G (1979) Anhydrous ammonia as a moist hay preservative. Occasional Sympos Brit Grassland Soc 11:252-256