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Ein Mitarbeiter sammelt Ameisen auf einer Untersuchungsfläche.
© Thünen-Institut/BD
Ein Mitarbeiter sammelt Ameisen auf einer Untersuchungsfläche.
Institut für

BD Biodiversität

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schrader

Institut für Biodiversität

Bundesallee 65
38116 Braunschweig
+49 531 596 2514
+49 531 2570 2061

Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe


  • Bedeutung der Bodentiere für Entwicklung und Funktion der Bodenstruktur
  • Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bodentieren und phytopathogenen Pilzen
  • Folgenabschätzung Landnutzungswandel


  • British Ecological Society
  • Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
  • Gesellschaft für Ökologie
  • International Union of Soil Sciences


  • Field Editor der Zeitschrift "European Journal of Soil Biology"
  • Mitglied des Editorial Board der Zeitschrift "Soil & Tillage Research"

Lehre an der TU Braunschweig

Studiengang Biologie

  • Modul "Diversität der Tierwelt der Nordsee"
    • Seminar "Marine Biodiversität"
    • Exkursion an die Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
  • "Protisten" im Grundpraktikum Zoologie

Studiengang Geoökologie 

  • Vorlesung "Bodenökologie und Bodennutzung"


Engell I, Linsler D, Schrader S, Taylor A, Ludwig B, Potthoff M (2021) Crop residue displacement by soil inversion: Annelid responses and their impact on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a lab-based mesocosm study. Applied Soil Ecology 167, 104151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104151

Hoeffner K, Beylich A, Chabbi A, Cluzeau D, Dascalu D, Graefe U, Guzmán G, Hallaire V, Hanisch J, Landa BB, Linsler D, Menasseri S, Öpik M, Potthoff M, Sandor M, Scheu S, Schmelz RM, Engell I, Schrader S, Vahter T, Banse M, Nicolaï A, Plaas E, Runge T, Roslin T, Decau M-L, Sepp S-K, Arias-Giraldo LF, Busnot S, Roucaute M, Pérès G (2021) Legacy effects of temporary grassland in annual crop rotation on soil ecosystem services. Science of the Total Environment 780, 146140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146140

Kemmann B, Wöhl L, Fuß R, Schrader S, Well R, Ruf T (2021) N2 and N2O mitigation potential of replacing maize with the perennial biomass crop Silphium perfoliatum – An incubation study. GCB-Bioenergy 13, 1649–1665. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12879

Meyer-Wolfarth F, Oldenburg E, Meiners T, Muñoz K, Schrader S (2021) Effects of temperature and soil fauna on the reduction and leaching of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone from Fusarium graminearum-infected maize stubbles. Mycotoxin Research 37, 249-263. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12550-021-00434-y

van Capelle C, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Meiners T, Schrader S (2021) Earthworms regulating the ecosystem service/disservice balance in maize (Zea mays) cultivation. Plant and Soil 462, 459-475. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04882-4

Moos JH, Schrader S, Paulsen HM (2020) Minor changes in collembolan communities under different organic crop rotations and tillage regimes. Landbauforschung – Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems 70(2):113–128. https://doi.org/10.3220/LBF1611932809000

Schrader S, van Capelle C, Meyer-Wolfarth F (2020) Regenwürmer als Partner bei der Bodennutzung: Die Servicekräfte des Bodens. Biologie in unserer Zeit 50, 192-198. https://doi.org/10.1002/biuz.202010706

Plaas E, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Banse M, Bengtsson J, Bergmann H, Faber J, Potthoff M, Runge T, Schrader S, Taylor A (2019) Towards valuation of biodiversity in agricultural soils: a case for earthworms. Ecological Economics 159, 291-300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.02.003

Ludwig M, Wilmes P, Schrader S (2018) Measuring soil sustainability via soil resilience. Science of the Total Environment 626, 1484-1493. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.043

Meyer-Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J, Brunotte J (2017) Collembolans and soil nematodes as biological regulators of the plant pathogen Fusarium culmorum. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 124, 493-498, DOI: 10.1007/s41348-017-0111-y

Meyer-Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J, Brunotte J (2017) Biocontrol of the toxigenic plant pathogen Fusarium culmorum by soil fauna in an agroecosystem. Mycotoxin Research 33, 237-244, DOI: 10.1007/s12550-017-0282-1

Schorpp Q, Schrader S (2017) Dynamic of nematode communities in energy cropping systems. European Journal of Soil Biology 78, 92-101, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2016.12.002

Schorpp Q., Müller AL, Schrader S, Dauber J (2016) Agrarökologisches Potential der Durchwachsenen Silphie (Silphium perfoliatum L.) aus Sicht biologischer Vielfalt. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 68, 412-422. DOI: 10.1399/JFK.2016.12.12

Schorpp Q, Riggers C., Lewicka-Szczebak D, Giesemann A, Well R, Schrader S (2016) Influence of Lumbricus terrestris and Folsomia candida on N2O formation pathways in two different soils – with particular focus on N2 emissions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30, 2301-2314, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7716

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Brunotte J (2016) Mycotoxin contamination and its regulation by the earthworm species Lumbricus terrestris in presence of other soil fauna in an agroecosystem. Plant and Soil 402, 331-342. 

Moos JH, Schrader S, Paulsen HM, Rahmann G (2016) Occasional reduced tillage in organic farming can promote earthworm performance and resource efficiency. Applied Soil Ecology 103, 22-30.

Schorpp Q, Schrader S (2016) Earthworm functional groups respond to the perennial energy cropping system of the cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.). Biomass and Bioenergy 87, 61-68.

Schmidt O, Dyckmans J, Schrader S (2016) Photoautotrophic microorganisms as a carbon source for temperate soil invertebrates. Biology Letters 12, 20150646. <link typo3/Schmidt O, Dyckmans J,>http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2015.0646</link>

van Capelle C, Schrader S, Arpaia S (2016) Selection of focal earthworm species as non-target soil organisms for environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants. Science of the Total Environment 548-549, 360-369.

Wolfarth F, Wedekind S, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Brunotte J (2015) Regulation of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol by Folsomia candida (Collembola) and Aphelenchoides saprophilus (Nematoda) in an on-farm experiment. Pedobiologia 58, 41-47.

Busch M, Brandhuber R, Breitschuh T, Brunotte J, Bug J, von Chappuis A, Fröba N, Henke W, Honecker H, Höppner F, List M, Mosimann T, Ortmeier B, Schmidt W, Schrader S, Vorderbrügge T, Weyer T (2015) Gute fachliche Praxis - Bodenbewirtschaftung und Bodenschutz. 2. Aufl. Bonn: AID, 118 p.

Rogasik H, Schrader S, Onasch I, Kiesel J, Gerke HH (2014) Micro-scale dry bulk density variation around earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) burrows based on X-ray computed tomography. Geoderma 213, 471-477.

Schrader S, Joschko M, Makeschin F (2014) Resolution of respect for Otto Graff (1917-2014). Pedobiologia 57, 195-196.

Schrader S, Wolfarth F, Oldenburg E, Brunotte J (2014) Förderung der Bodengesundheit – Bodentiere dezimieren Schadpilze und ihre Toxine. ForschungsReport 1-2014, 4-7.

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J (2013) Nematode-collembolan-interaction promotes the degradation of Fusarium biomass and deoxynivalenol according to soil texture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 903-910.

Schrader S, Wolfarth F, Oldenburg E (2013) Biological control of soil-borne phytopathogenic fungi and their mycotoxins by soil fauna – A review. Bulletin UASMV-serie Agriculture 70, 291-298.

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E (2013) Bodenfauna als Ökologischer Dienstleister – Collembolen und Nematoden fördern den Abbau von Deoxynivalenol in Fusarium-infiziertem Weizenstroh. Gesunde Pflanzen 65, 169-176.

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E (2013) Fusariumbefall auf Ernterückständen bei konservierender Bodenbearbeitung – Bodentiere fördern Mykotoxinabbau. Landwirtschaft ohne Pflug 9/10-2013, 32-36.

Brunotte J, Schmidt W, Brandhuber R, Bach M, Honecker H, Bug B, Ebach C, Schrader S, Weyer T, Vorderbrügge T (2013) Gute Fachliche Praxis - Bodenbewirtschaftung und Bodenschutz. Bonn: AID, 116 p.

Paulsen HM, Böhm H, Moos J, Fischer J, Schrader S, Fuß R (2013) Fruchtbarer Boden – Welchen Einfluss die Landnutzung auf den Boden hat. ForschungsReport 2-2013, 16-19.

van Capelle C, Schrader S, Brunotte J (2012) Tillage-induced changes in the functional diversity of soil biota - A review with a focus on German data. European Journal of Soil Biology 50, 165-181.

van Capelle C, Schrader S, Brunotte J (2012) Bodenbearbeitung steuert phytopathogene Bodenorganismen und ihre Antagonisten. Bodenschutz 4-2012, 120-126.

Sandor M, Schrader S (2012) Interaction of earthworms and enchytraeids in organically amended soil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 8, 46-56.

Hüttl RF, Russell DJ, Sticht C, Schrader S, Weigel H-J, Bens O, Lorenz K, Schneider B, Schneider BU (2012) Auswirkungen auf Bodenökosysteme. In: Mosbrugger V, Brasseur G, Schaller M, Stribrny B (eds.). Klimawandel und Biodiversität: Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt. pp. 128-163.

Schrader S, Schmelz RM (eds.) (2012) Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 12; Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, 14-16 July 2010, Braunschweig, Germany; Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue 357, 102 pp.

Puppe D, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Gebauer G (2012) Isotopic labelling of enchytraeids under FACE conditions: A possible way to analyse the residue-enchytraeid-soil system considering elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In: Schrader S, Schmelz RM (eds.) Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 12; Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, 14-16 July 2010, Braunschweig, Germany; Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue 357, 21-26.

van Capelle C, Schrader S, Brunotte J (2012) Regenwurm & Co. – unverzichtbare Helfer in der Landwirtschaft. Mit angepasster Bodenbearbeitung die biologische Vielfalt in Ackerböden erhalten und nutzen. ForschungsReport 1-2012, 32-35.

van Capelle C, Schrader S, Brunotte J (2012) Bodenleben erhalten und fördern – Wie Bodentiere auf unterschiedliche Bearbeitungsverfahren reagieren. Landwirtschaft ohne Pflug 1/2-2012, 17-22.

Emmerling C, Strunk H, Schöbinger U, Schrader S (2011) Fragmentation of Cry1Ab protein from Bt maize (MON810) through the gut of the earthworm species Lumbricus terrestris L. European Journal of Soil Biology 47, 160-164.

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J, Brunotte J (2011) Earthworms promote the reduction of Fusarium biomass and deoxynivalenol content in wheat straw under field conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1858-1865.

Wolfarth F, Schrader S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J (2011) Contribution of the endogeic earthworm species Aporrectodea caliginosa to the degradation of deoxynivalenol and Fusarium-biomass in wheat straw. Mycotoxin Research 27, 215-220.

Schrader S, Wolfarth F, Oldenburg E (2011) Fusarien im Strohmulch bei konservierender Bodenbearbeitung – Regenwürmer als natürliche Gegenspieler. Landwirtschaft ohne Pflug 5-2011, 11-15.

Beylich A, Oberholzer H-R, Schrader S, Höper H, Wilke B-M (2010) Evaluation of soil compaction effects on soil biota and soil biological processes in soils. Soil and Tillage Research 109, 133-143.

Fründ H-C, Butt K, Capowiez Y, Eisenhauer N, Emmerling C, Ernst G, Potthoff M, Schädler M, Schrader S (2010) Using earthworms as model organisms in the laboratory: recommendations for experimental implementations. Pedobiologia 53, 119-125.

Schrader S, Bender J, Weigel H-J (2009) Ozone exposure of field-grown winter wheat affects soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere. Environmental Pollution 157, 3357-3362.

Schrader S, Kramer S, Oldenburg E, Weinert J (2009) Uptake of deoxynivalenol by earthworms from Fusarium-infected wheat straw. Mycotoxin Research 25, 53-58.

Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Weigel H-J (2009) Sensitivity of nematode feeding types in arable soil to free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) is crop-specific. Pedobiologia 52, 337-349.

Paulsen HM, Schrader S, Schnug E (2009) Eine kritische Analyse von Ruschs Theorien zur Bodenfruchtbarkeit als Grundlage für die Bodenbewirtschaftung im Ökologischen Landbau. Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research 59, 253-268.

Oldenburg E, Kramer S, Schrader S, Weinert J (2008) Impact of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris on the degradation of Fusarium-infected and deoxynivalenol-contaminated wheat straw. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 3049-3053.

Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Weigel H-J (2008) Atmospheric CO2 enrichment induces life strategy- and species-specific responses of collembolans in the rhizosphere of sugar beet and winter wheat. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 1432-1445.

Schrader S, Münchenberg T, Baumgarte S, Tebbe CC (2008) Earthworms of different functional groups affect the fate of the Bt-toxin Cry1Ab from transgenic maize in soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 283-289.

Weigel H-J, Manderscheid R, Erbs M, Burkart S, Pacholski A, Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Anderson T-H (2008) Rotating barley, sugar beet and wheat under elevated CO2 conditions: A synopsis of the German FACE experiment. Aspects of Applied Biology 88, Effects of Climate Change on Plants – Implications for Agriculture, COR 2008, pp. 31-34.

Schrader S (2008) Biologische Vielfalt in der Landwirtschaft sichert Lebensqualität. B&B Agrar – Die Zeitschrift für Bildung und Beratung 61, 68-70.

Schrader S, Rogasik H, Onasch I, Jégou D (2007) Assessment of soil structural differentiation around earthworm burrows by means of X-ray computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Geoderma 137, 378-387.

Sandor M, Schrader S (2007) Earthworms affect mineralization of different organic amendments in a microcosm study. Bulletin USAMV-CN 63, 442-447.

Weigel H-J, Schrader S (eds.) (2007) Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Biodiversität aus den Forschungseinrichtungen des BMELV. Landbauforschung Völkenrode Sonderheft 310, 206 pp.

Schrader S, Anderson T-H, Tebbe C, Weigel H-J (2007) Monitoring von biologischer Vielfalt in Böden: Notwendigkeit, Ansätze und Fallbeispiele. In: Begemann F, Schröder S, Wenkel K-O, Weigel H-J (eds.). Monitoring und Indikatoren der Agrobiodiversität. Agrobiodiversität 27, Schriftenreihe des IBV, Bonn. pp. 196-213.

Heise J, Höltge S, Schrader S, Kreuzig R (2006) Chemical and biological characterization of non-extractable sulfonamide residues in soil. Chemosphere 65, 2352-2357.

Schrader S, Böning M (2006) Soil formation on green roofs and its contribution to urban biodiversity with emphasis on collembolans. Pedobiologia 50, 347-356.

Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A (2006) Influence of chemical agents commonly used for soil fauna investigations on the stable C-isotopic signature of soil animals. European Journal of Soil Biology 42, S326-S330.

Sticht C, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Weigel H-J (2006) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and N fertilization on abundance, diversity and C-isotopic signature of collembolan communities in arable soil. Applied Soil Ecology 34, 219-229.

Weigel H-J, Pacholski A, Waloszczyk K, Frühauf C, Manderscheid R, Anderson T-H, Heinemeyer O, Kleikamp B, Helal M, Burkart S, Schrader S, Sticht C, Giesemann A (2006) Zur Wirkung erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentrationen auf Wintergerste, Zuckerrübe und Winterweizen in einer Fruchtfolge: Beispiele aus dem Braunschweiger Kohlenstoffprojekt. Landbauforschung Völkenrode 56, 101-115.

Schrader S, Kiehne J, Anderson T-H, Paulsen H-M, Rahmann G (2006) Development of collembolans after conversion towards organic farming. Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, pp. 181-185.

Rahmann G, Paulsen H-M, Hötker H, Jeromin K, Schrader S, Haneklaus S, Schnug E (2006) Contribution of organic farming to conserving and improving biodiversity in Germany avi-fauna as an example. Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, pp. 187-190.

Heise J, Heimbach U, Schrader S (2005) Influence of soil organic carbon on acute and chronic toxicity of plant protection products to Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) larvae. Journal of Soils and Sediments 5, 139-142.

Heise J, Heimbach U, Schrader S (2004) Influence of insecticide coated seeds on larvae of Poecilus cupreus (L.) (Coleoptera; Carabidae) using different container sizes and quantities of substrate. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 27 (6), 73-79.

Larink O, Schrader S (2003) Earthworms as promoters of soil structure rehabilitation. Tearman: Irish Journal of Agri-Environmental Research 3, 47-55.

Jégou D, Brunotte J, Rogasik H, Capowiez Y, Diestel H, Schrader S, Cluzeau D (2002) Impact of soil compaction on earthworm burrow systems using X-ray computed tomography - preliminary study. European Journal of Soil Biology 38, 329-336.

Langmaack M, Schrader S, Rapp-Bernhardt U, Kotzke K (2002) Soil structure rehabilitation of arable soil degraded by compaction. Geoderma 105, 141-152.

Steiner S, Schrader S (2002) Substrate zur Dachbegrünung: Ein Lebensraum für Regenwürmer? Neue Landschaft 6/02, 51-54.

Tebbe CC, Anderson T-H, Larink O, Schrader S (2002) Biologische Wechselwirkungen: Wie wichtig ist Vielfalt für die Funktion von Böden? Schriftenreihe des BMVEL "Angewandte Wissenschaft" Heft 494, 160-165.

Becker J, Makus P, Schrader S (2001) Interactions between soil micro- and mesofauna and plants in an ecofarming system. European Journal of Soil Biology 37, 245-249.

Jégou D, Schrader S, Diestel H, Cluzeau D (2001) Characteristic morphological, physical and biochemical properties of burrow walls formed by earthworms. Applied Soil Ecology 17, 165-174.

Langmaack M, Schrader S, Helming K (2001) Effect of mesofaunal activity on the rehabilitation of sealed soil surfaces. Applied Soil Ecology 16, 121-130.

Larink O, Werner D, Langmaack M, Schrader S (2001) Regeneration of compacted soil aggregates by earthworm activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33, 395-401.

Schrader S, Seibel C (2001) Impact of cultivation mangement in an agroecosystem on hot spot effects of earthworm middens. European Journal of Soil Biology 37, 309-313.

Schrader S (2001) Ackerboden als Nutz- und Schutzgut aus ökologischer Sicht. Wasser und Boden 53, 4-8.

Schrader S, Steiner S, Marrett-Fossen M, Giesel D (2001) Grüne Dächer – ein Heim für Bodentiere. Der Facility Manager 8, 40-41.

Buck C, Langmaack M, Schrader S (2000) Influence of mulch and soil compaction on earthworm casts properties. Applied Soil Ecology 14, 223-229.

Dittmer S, Schrader S (2000) Longterm effects of soil compaction and tillage on Collembola and straw decomposition in arable land. Pedobiologia 44, 527-538.

Flegel M, Schrader S (2000) Importance of food quality on selected enzyme activities in earthworm casts (Dendrobaena octaedra, Lumbricidae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32, 1191-1196.

Larink O, Schrader S (2000) Rehabilitation of degraded compacted soil by earthworms. In: Horn R, van den Akker JJH, Arvidson J (eds.). Subsoil Compaction – Distribution, Processes and Consequences. Advances in GeoEcology 32, Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen. pp. 284-294.

Schrader S, Bayer B (2000) Abundances of mites (Gamasina and Oribatida) and biotic activity in arable soil affected by tillage and wheeling. Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 6, 165-181.

Sommer R, Schrader S (2000) Modelling the spatial variability of microarthropods (Collembola) and soil properties on arable land. Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 9, 139-145.

Buck C, Langmaack M, Schrader S (1999) Nutrient content of earthworm casts influenced by different mulch types. European Journal of Soil Biology 35, 23-30.

Keudel M, Schrader S (1999) Axial and radial pressure exerted by earthworms of different ecological groups. Biology and Fertility of Soils 29, 262-269.

Langmaack M, Schrader S, Rapp-Bernhardt U, Kotzke K (1999) Quantitative analysis of earthworm burrow systems with respect to biological soil-structure regeneration after soil compaction. Biology and Fertility of Soils 28, 219-229.

Langmaack M, Wiermann C, Schrader S (1999) Interrelation between soil physical properties and Enchytraeidae abundances following a single soil compaction in arable land. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 162, 517-525.

Larink O, Schrader S (1999) How to investigate the mutual influence of soil animals and soil compaction. In: van den Akker JJH, Arvidson J, Horn R (eds.). Experiences with the Impact and Prevention of Subsoil Compaction in the European Community. DLO Winand Staring Centre, Wageningen. Report 168. pp. 171-179.

Krösche T, Langmaack M, Schrader S (1999) Räumliche Variabilität von Enchytraeiden (Oligochaeta) in Beziehung zu ausgewählten Bodenparametern auf einem Agrarstandort. In: Schmelz RM, Sühlo K (eds.) Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 6; Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, 3-4 July 1998, Osnabrück, Germany; pp. 101-109.

Schrader S (1999) Bodentiere als „ecosystem engineers“ in Agrarökosystemen. Wasser und Boden 51, 48-51.

Flegel M, Schrader S, Zhang H (1998) Influence of food quality on the physical and chemical properties of detritivorous earthworm casts. Applied Soil Ecology 9, 263-269.

Röhrig R, Langmaack M, Schrader S, Larink O (1998) Tillage systems and soil compaction – their impact on abundance and vertical distribution of Enchytraeidae. Soil and Tillage Research 46, 117-127.

Bessel H, Schrader S (1998) Regenwurmzönosen auf Ackerbrachen in Abhängigkeit von der Brachedauer. Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 7, 169-180.

Schrader S, Larink O (1998) Einblicke in die Ökologie der Regenwürmer. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Biologie 4/47, 10-14.

Schrader S, Langmaack M, Helming K (1997) Impact of Collembola and Enchytraeidae on soil surface roughness and properties. Biology and Fertility of Soils 25, 396-400.

Schrader S, Lingnau M (1997) Influence of soil tillage and soil compaction on microarthropods of agricultural land. Pedobiologia 41, 202-209.

Schrader S, Zhang H (1997) Earthworm casting: stabilization or destabilization of soil structure? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29, 469-475.

Kracht M, Schrader S (1997) Collembola und Acari in verdichtetem Ackerboden unter verschiedenen Bodenbearbeitungssystemen. Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 5, 425-440.

Larink O, Schrader S, Langmaack M (1997) Bodenverdichtung – eine Gefahr für den Ackerboden und seine Tierwelt. Mitteilungen aus der NNA 3/97, 26-32.

Grethe S, Schrader S, Giesemann A, Larink O, Weigel H-J (1996) Influence of earthworms on the sulfur turnover in the soil. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 32, 211-217.

Langmaack M, Röhrig R, Schrader S (1996) Einfluß der Bodenbearbeitung und Bodenverdichtung auf terrestrische Oligochaeten (Enchytraeidae und Lumbricidae) landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen. Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 5, 105-123.

Schrader S (1995) Buffer capacity of earthworm mucus. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196, 92-93.

Schrader S, Joschko M, Kula H, Larink O (1995) Earthworm effects on soil structure with emphasis on soil stability and soil water movement. In: Hartge KH, Stewart BA (eds.). Soil Structure – Its Development and Function. Advances in Soil Science; CRC Press, Inc., Lewis Publ., Boca Raton. pp. 109-133.

Schrader S (1994) Influence of earthworms on the pH conditions of their environment by cutaneous mucus secretion. Zoologischer Anzeiger 233, 211-219.

Schrader S (1993) Semi-automatic image analysis of earthworm activity in 2D soil sections. Geoderma 56, 257-264.

Zhang H, Schrader S (1993) Earthworm effects on selected physical and chemical properties of soil aggregates. Biology and Fertility of Soils 15, 229-234.

Schrader S (1992) Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis of the calciferous glands of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta) contaminated with heavy metals. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24, 1755-1759.

Schrader S (1991) Histologie und Ultrastruktur der Kalkdrüsen und ihre Funktion bei Lumbricus terrestris L. (Annelida: Oligochaeta). Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 3, 971-989.

Schrader S, Joschko M (1991) A method for studying the morphology of earthworm burrows and their function in respect to water movement. Pedobiologia 35, 185-190.

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